The Hyperpessimist

The grandest failure.

A Python Programmer on Octopress

I used to have an Ikiwiki installation at this place. I liked it, because of the Git integration, but honestly it looked kinda ugly and stale. I never posted to it. But now that Marc has created a blog using Tinkerer, I was encouraged to re-evaluate.

In the end, I chose against Tinkerer, because I prefer writing prose in Markdown. So, I decided to give Octopress a try. After all, we’re the same league, right, Ruby-guys?

Let me start with what I like, before I commence rambling how terrible everything is:

  • Statically generating blog posts is completely fine with me, after all, my very first blog, some aeons ago was statically generated using Firedrop2. Considering the number of security issues in WordPress and my general dislike for anything PHP that sounds like a sweet deal.
  • I can write the posts in my favorite editor on the server, from anywhere. Yeah, the cloud! Cloud! Whee!
  • I can use version control on my blog posts, shiny.
  • It looks nice out of the box. Also kind of generic, but I take this over the even-more-generic Blogger look.
  • It is more popular than Tinkerer and has more plugins. Well, Tinkerer is quite young, we’ll see.

Ok, now the sucky part is, as far as I see the set-up

  • What I did was to compile Ruby 1.9.3-p125 and use rbenv hoping that it will be something like virtualenv in Python. Turns out it is. Kinda.
  • Octopress forces the local version to 1.9.2-psomething, so I needed to delete the file. Why is it even checked in?
  • Everytime I run rake, it complains that my rake is too new, instead of 0.9.2. Seriously? So I run bundle exec rake generate and everything is fine. Why oh why?
  • No pip, no PyPI equivalent? I am disappoint, Ruby.
  • Need to figure out how to version my posts properly.

Oh, did I mention that I love the solarized colorscheme?

print("Hello World")

So that’s that.