When I check out the date I signed up at the Python-Forum, it says 20th of
June, 2003. Whoa, that’s quite some time. Time for some retrospective, because
Python got quite popular since then and maybe people are interested in how it
was in the “early days”. Or well, earlier days.
The early days 2003-2007
Initially I started with Turbo Pascal and moved to Visual Basic 6. Visual Basic
6 used to have quite an awesome german-speaking community and since my english
wasn’t that good some decade ago, I was doing my save game managers and stuff
any high school student might do. Later I signed up for a programming course in
school where we used Java. I got interested and bought Bruce Eckel’s
Thinking in Java. If you check a footnote in the introduction, Bruce
mentions Python. I remember this being the first time I heard about Python.
The first time I used Python was some time later, the polish edition of
Chip ran a tutorial on Pygame. That was back then when the magazine was any
good. I was quite impressed with how easy things were compared to the
struggling I did with C++ (I still have one or two bad books on C++ on my
shelf). Back then Python 2.2 was state of the art and I developed on Windows.
Needless to say that my game didn’t work out, I had no idea how to structure my
code back then. The world missed out on a great Zelda clone with sprites
borrowed from “Link’s Awakening”. Or not.
But I joined a web BBS and I learned a lot. At the beginning I was reading a
lot of threads and answering questions. Usually this involved googling for
answers, since the questions were often on the easy side. On the tricky topics,
I read the responses of more experienced people in the BBS. I learned lots back
then in very short time.
The Python landscape looked quite different back then. While Python 2.2 is
certainly quite similar to the Python 2.7 we have today (minus decorators, list
comprehensions were optional and generator expressions only came in 2.3), the
ecosystem looked quite different. In 2003, nobody was speaking about the web
very much. There was Zope and Plone but the programmers didn’t like it that
much. Everybody else used CGI, which still exists today. Oh and there was a
small fraction of Twisted users. Twisted, after all, invented the internet.
There was excitement in GUI frameworks, Qt 3 at that time and GTK+. GTK+ 2.x
was in the process of obsoleting GTK+ 1.x and the binding required selecting
which version to import. Much like GTK+ 3 is compatible to GTK+ 2, and Qt 4 is
incompatible to Qt 3.
When Python 2.3 came out, many C modules were lacking Windows builds, so I
started building stuff and publishing it and many people were happy. I’m not
sure what the situation on Windows is, these days.
Community wise, there were many people complaining about significant whitespace
in block indentation. As these discussions have mostly died down these days, I
suppose that was uninformed bullshit by people who never tried. Also, dynamic
typing was looked down upon from users holy-grail static typing languages like…
Java. No interfaces, how could this possibly work?
The web years 2007-2010
I wouldn’t say 2007 is a hard break, as there was always some experimentation
in using Python for the web. I, coming from PHP didn’t know better and
experimented with Spyce which was a way to embed Python in HTML. There was also
Karrigell which supported roughly the same thing as well as mod_python which
could also run Python Server Pages (although it never really worked for me, I
was expecting something like mod_php).
Then there was Webware, an application server. It was kind-of like the Java
Enterprise Servers. Then the WSGI standard came along and Ian Bicking ported it
to WSGI, dubbing it WSGIKit. Then it wasn’t good enough and Ian renamed it to
Paste and after trying to explain it one, two,
three, four times, probably everybody just moved on.
I think Paste was too ambitious at this time. Consider most people coming from
a PHP background and WSGI went right over everybody’s head. Especially as Paste
seemed to solve a problem that noone could see.
Roughly the same time, Colubrid surfaced, a WSGI helper library from Armin
which made WSGI easier. Think of it as the spiritual predecessor of Werkzeug.
If I remember correctly, Colubrid was used in Pocoo. Because in the
beginning, Pocoo was meant to be a BBS to replace the phpBB used in the german
Python forum. I think it died after the 0.1 release, possibly for being too
ambitious and possibly for being too much ahead of its time. But Pocoo remained
and became an umbrella organisation, kind of like Edgewall.
Hosting Python web code was terrible back then. I’d even say that classical PHP
shared hosters never improved, they just got obsolete with the dedicated
hosters that began surfacing.
Then Rails appeared. Let me rephrase: THEN RAILS APPEARED. If I were to pick
one disruptive technology in the Python universe, I’d say Rails. After it got
massively popular, a lot of Python frameworks inspired by Rails started
appearing. And by a lot I mean a crazy lot: web.py (by Aaron Swartz), WebCore,
Pylons, TurboGears, Grok (building on Zope 3), Repoze (kinda like Zope with
WSGI), Paste, Aquarium, Nevmod Nevow, Snakelets, Django
and a million others. At some point you saw a new framework
every week and though “no, not yet another stupid ripoff”.
At the beginning, TurboGears looked like the most promising alternative, with a
“best of breed”-approach on components. Unfortunately, Python didn’t really
have decent components back then, so TurboGears was burning through template
systems, ORMs and other small parts quite fast and the documentation was never
up to date. Plus, it started having more and more dependencies.
On the other hand, Django seemed quite polished from the beginning. In the
beginning there was no release so everybody ran the SVN version and even after
they did releases, the pace of releases was too slow. But it worked, had great
documentation and while not best of breed, it was Good Enough™. Plus, the
strangest things were fixed before the 1.0 release (magic-removal, anyone?).
The automatically generated admin was certainly the cherry on the pie and while
many projects tried to mimick it, no decent alternative ever surfaced.
So yeah, we got Django. Good think that we converged on something.
The community years 2010-now
This is another semi-arbitrary division, but at some point, the web stuff was
“solved”. These days, it is less about choosing the base technology but rather
on integrating stuff and building things with Python.
I think we got vastly more Python programmers than a decade ago, using Python
has become quite the no-brainer. A startup using Python these days? Hardly even
worth mentioning. But the people using Python started to be more and more.
When I started, there was a EuroPython (one of the organizers even asked me to
do a talk but going to Sweden was not really financially possible for 16-year
old me), but now PyCons appear in many countries. 2012 was the second PyCon DE
and there were enough people attending to warrant another one. Also, there are
Django conferences in Europe.
Apart from conferences, there are some user groups. I can only speak for
Germany, where there are two or three larger user groups with regular meetings,
but they are there and doing well. The Munich user group that started as a
meeting of three people from the forum back in the Pocoo days still exists
today and meetings are held every second week.
The position of Python has changed in the last 10 years. With Ubuntu making
Python their lingua-franca (while Debian was more focussed on Perl) Python got
some boost, but nowadays Python bindings are usually not just a bonus but more
like a first-class feature. I can’t remember searching for some library and
finding half-assed code or nothing at all. These days, software is written in
Python from the get-go and if not there are bindings. The Raspberry Pi
community has embraced Python. PyPI and setuptools/distribute have made it
possible to reuse vast resources of code. Maybe not yet up to the variety of
CPAN, but we’re getting there.
My personal involvement has lowered, though. In the beginning I rapidly became
moderator and then co-administrator of the German forum (which also celebrated
its 10th birthday 2012 on the PyCon DE with beers and obligatory cake), but
studying has taken a lot of time and I often dabble in other technology where
Python is not popular or even feasible.
Python on mobile phones is, well, “kinda” possible. Python in the browser is
even less “kinda” possible. Systems programming is not a strong point of Python
either. But don’t let that discourage you, for the rest it is hard to find any
reason not to use Python. Maybe we are getting close to “nobody got fired for
using Python”.
What changed? The indentation debates are basically dead and buried. The
feasibility of using Python was demonstrated. Also, I believe many developers
switched to Linux or Mac systems since 2003, so Windows (and the awful
recompiling stuff) has lost importance. Or maybe the fact that Python 2.7 is
out for a really long time now and everything is compiled for it has played its
part. Or that platforms have lost their importance since web apps only need a
browser and the backend system doesn’t matter much.
There is now a lot of resources on Python, free eBooks, paper books. Yet
somehow more beginners manage to call the language “Phyton” or “Pyhton”. No
idea why. Gotta be this terrible youth, when I was young…